SIP Calculator

A Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) calculator is an online financial tool that can help to calculate the returns you would earn on your SIP investments.SIP Calculator
Lumpsum Calculator

Are you looking to invest a lump-sum amount and get better returns? Here is the answer to invest money in a better way. One of the most lucrative ways of investing in a Mutual Fund is by making a lump sum investment.Lumpsum Calculator
SWP Calculator

The SWP Calculator is a simulation that shows you the monthly withdrawals from your mutual fund investments.SWP Calculator
Mutual Fund Return Calculator

The mutual fund calculator is a simulation that helps you to calculate the returns from the mutual fund investments.Mutual Fund Return Calculator
SSY Calculator

Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana calculator to calculate the maturity amount and know exactly how much you will be able to save for your girl’s education and marriage.SSY Calculator
PPF Calculator

PPF calculator: Public Provident Fund (PPF) is one of the government-backed small saving schemes that aim to provide assured return at the time of maturity.PPF Calculator
EPF Calculator

Firstly, enter your age on Scripbox’s EPF Calculator. Next, enter your desired age of retirement, basic salary and expected annual increase in salary.EPF Calculator
FD Calculator

A fixed deposit calculator provides precise details of the FD interest rates one can get each month and calculates the maturity amount.FD Calculator